English Ivy and Blackberry Removal
Roots and All

In the Portland, Oregon Area

English Ivy –
our specialty

Most landscapers refuse to remove ivy because it’s hard work. And when they do, they often don’t get the roots, and so it all just grows back.  

Some get rid of the ivy vines, but to prevent the roots from growing back, they cover the ground with cardboard, mulch, and maybe some plastic.  And then you have to wait a year or so for the roots to die, so you can get your yard back.

We use tools and techniques that no one else has, to pull ivy, blackberry, and other invasive species – roots and all. Without using poisons or chemicals.


English Ivy – A Problem Across the U.S.

In the US, English Ivy has invaded over 30 states.  In most places there is neither nor the same means to eradicate it.  The battle rages back and forth as more or fewer volunteers turn out to do the back-breaking work of cutting Ivy off trees or pulling it up from the ground.  

Private landscapers avoid working on it if they can, so in addition to parks and city owned strips, it grows around parking lots and among isolated stands of trees – everywhere there is adequate rainfall.

Map of the US showing all the states Ivy has become an invasive species
A world map showing all spots English Ivy has become a problem species

…And Around the World

English Ivy has spread to every other continent where English colonial settlers spread the herb from its original native locale to places where a cool, humid climate fosters its growth.  Only in its native range in Europe and Western Asia does it appear to have any natural enemies and even there it can be a pest.

All around the world, removing English Ivy is vital to forest health.  We will be glad to support that work with an effective tool.

I had an infestation of English ivy that came with the property when I bought my house. I planned on removing it myself and …8 years later that wasn’t happening, and instead, it was growing and spreading. Fortunately, I was recommended to contact X-Tirp. So I did and now I have no more ivy! Other unwanted, invasive plants like vinca and holly are also gone! Yay! My dream of Backyard Habitat Certification is within reach!


Past customer